1. Pleistocene Climate (更新世的氣候)
2. Understanding the Construction of the Egyptian Pyramids
3. Raising Bees in Asia (在亞洲養蜜蜂),
第一篇文章Pleistocene Climate通過研究陸地沉澱物(deposits)和海底有殼動物沉澱物裡的O16和O18比例(proportion),來揭示更新世的氣候變化:寒冷的冰期(glaciation)與溫暖的間冰期(interglaciation)週期性的交替出現,而且冰期的出現是緩慢的,而溫暖的間冰期卻是突然來臨。第二篇文章Understanding the Construction of the Egyptian Pyramids分門別類描寫金字塔的選址(尼羅河的西岸以示落日與死亡)、規模大小與複雜程度、所需調用的人力而反映出來的統治者的中央集權能力(centralized organization)、傾角大小(angle degree)所顯示出的工程技術能力和對死後步入天堂的預想(傾角大小等於冬日陽光角度大小,便於踩著陽光升入天堂)。第三篇文章Raising Bees in Asia全文對比比較兩種蜜蜂A. cerana和A. mellifera的養殖優缺點,比較簡單,最後出現了久未露面的表格分類題,將兩種蜜蜂的幾大特點進行歸類總結。
The king was apparently able to call on all the resources of the country and direct them and the people to virtually any end, and at times the entire national economy was probably focused on these projects.
解析:詞彙題「end「所在考句,又是and引發的多級並列長難句。此處考查end的多重用法,其中有一種用法非常地道,叫做「I am not your means to an end, but the end itself.」 (我是你做事的最終目的,而並非是你為了實現目的改採取的手段)。所以end=purpose。
Djoser's successors, particularly those of the Fourth Dynasty—the beginning of the Old Kingdom period—also built massive pyramids and experimented with designs and constructions until the perfect pyramid form was achieved by King Khufu, as exemplified by the pyramids at Giza.
解析:強調句+省略句+並列句。省略內容補全為:It is not just the massive size of these and other pyramids of this era that is so impressive but also the complex engineering, the skillful execution of stone sculpture, and the precise planning that such projects would have required is so impressive.
The administration, feeding, direction, and planning required to control such a workforce, which included many highly trained craftspeople as well as laborers, would obviously involve a high degree of political and bureaucratic centralization.
整句話最大的難點在於真正的動詞「would obviously involve」出現時,應連接到句子開頭的主語「The administration, feeding, direction, and planning」。
The pyramids were all located on the west bank of the Nile River, an equation no doubt with death and the setting sun.
解析:注意句子末尾的比喻「an equation no doubt with death and the setting sun」。
~~~~~~~~~~~ 圖上的題目有答案了嗎? 往下確認一下 ~~~~~~~~~~~
這是詞彙題「thoroughly」所在考句,本身也是一個長難句(and引發的多級並列)。背過詞彙書的考生都知道,thoroughly是「完全地、徹底地」的意思,但四個選項「carefully,repeatedly,routinely,successfully」沒有一個對應。查閱thoroughly的英文解釋「A thorough action or activity is one that is done very carefully and in a detailed way so that nothing is forgotten.」發現是「詳細地、沒有遺漏地、徹底地」意思,所以選「carefully」。