今日主題:Greek taxation-- Doubts over competence / 希臘稅收--全面質疑
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Greek taxation-- Doubts over competence
Not a single prominent tax evader has yet been convicted
Greece’s elite used to see stashing funds in Swiss bank accounts as an insurance policy. Until the country joined the euro zone, fears of a sudden devaluation or a freeze on capital movements loomed large. Then came a rush to transfer money made in the black economy to financial havens abroad.
After many years of turning a blind eye to this illegal practice, a desperately broke Greek government is at last cracking down. The tax declarations of almost 2,000 Greeks with accounts at the Geneva branch of HSBC, a bank, are being scrutinised by officials at SDOE, the financial police. Their names were on a computer disk sent in 2010 by Christine Lagarde, then French finance minister, to her Greek counterpart, George Papaconstantinou.
在多年對這些違法行為睜一隻眼閉一隻眼後,瀕臨破產的希臘政府做出嚴厲打擊此類行為的動作。希臘獨立稅務調查組(SDOE),對近2000名在滙豐銀行(HSBC)日內瓦分行有業務的希臘納稅人的資產進行了清查。而這批名單是在2010年的時候,從時任法國財政部長克莉絲蒂娜•拉加德(Christine Lagarde)的電腦磁片裡傳給時任希臘財政部長喬治•帕帕康斯坦丁 (George Papaconstantinou)的。
The “Lagarde list” went missing in mid-2011 but turned up again recently when Evangelos Venizelos, Mr Papaconstantinou’s successor as finance minister, sent a copy to the office of Antonis Samaras, who is now prime minister. Hot Doc, a Greek investigative magazine, then got hold of another copy and published all 2,000 names.
這份“拉加德名單”在2011年年中時,曾經失蹤過。但是帕帕康斯坦丁財長的繼任者維尼澤洛斯(Evangelos Venizelos)將此名單的影本送至現任希臘總理薩馬拉斯(Antonis Samaras)處。此後,希臘調查類雜誌《熱門檔案》(Hot Doc)也獲得一份名單,並公佈了這近2000個姓名。
Several politicians and their wives and many members of prominent business families appear on the list. Yet most attention has focused on Maria Panteli, an office manager whose account contained 550 million euro ($719m), about one-third of the total in all the accounts. Ms Panteli was suspected at first of acting as a front for a Greek shipowner. Then Nikos Lekkas, deputy chief of SDOE, claimed in testimony to a prosecutor that her account was controlled by the 89-year-old mother of a former prime minister, George Papandreou.
一些政客和他們的妻子以及許多赫赫有名的企業家族成員出現在這份名單上。然而現在大多數的目光都集中在一個叫做Maria Panteli的辦公室經理的身上,她的帳戶資本約有5.5億歐元(約為7.19億美元),約占總帳戶金額的三分之一。Panteli 起初被懷疑是希臘某船主的替罪羊。其後,SDOE的負責人Nikos Lekkas在向檢察院提交證物時表示,Panteli的帳戶由希臘前總理帕潘德里歐(George Papandreou)89歲的母親所操控。
Margaret Papandreou, who lives modestly near Corinth, a provincial town, and her son, now a backbench MP, swiftly denied the allegations. Mrs Papandreou, a feisty feminist, threatened to sue newspapers that published Mr Lekkas’s claim.
The Papandreous felt vindicated when Sabby Mioni, a Greek-Israeli financier, came up with an explanation. Mr Mioni said he had never met any Papandreou family member. The account in question belonged to an investment fund listed on the Irish stock exchange, he said, and he used to manage the fund on behalf of EFG International, a Greek financial group based in Switzerland. According to one of Mr Mioni’s former colleagues, Ms Panteli was a trusted employee permitted to sign documents on Mr Mioni’s behalf.
希臘籍以色列金融家Sabby Mioni提出一個解釋後,帕潘德里歐母子倆頓時被洗清嫌疑。Mioni先生稱,他從未見過任何帕潘德里歐家庭成員。同時,他還表示,該爭議帳戶屬於愛爾蘭證交所中的某投資基金,他常代表總部設在瑞士的希臘金融機構EFG銀行管理這份基金。根據Mioni的前同事的表述,Panteli是一個值得信賴的雇員並被允許允許簽署代表Mioni利益的檔。
A day later Mr Lekkas made a U-turn, claiming that he had never linked the Papandreous with Ms Panteli’s account. The embarrassing incident has raised fresh doubts about the financial police’s professional competence. Critics say there has been foot-dragging over investigations of politicians, footballers, prominent lawyers and doctors suspected of tax evasion. SDOE officials complain they are overloaded with new cases.
Greece has still not convicted any prominent tax evaders, despite promising international creditors that the worst offenders would go to jail. The government is about to name a special secretary for tax affairs, in line with a request from officials from the European Commission, the IMF and the European Central Bank who are supervising economic reforms. The new tax supremo will have his work cut out.
盡管希臘曾向國際債權人承諾,將會懲罰那些情節嚴重者甚至將其送至監獄,但該國依然沒有給任何一個逃稅大戶定罪。根據監督希臘經濟改革的機構,即歐盟委員會(European Commission)、國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)和歐洲中央銀行(European Central Bank)官員的要求,希臘政府正籌畫任命負責稅收事務的特別官員。新任稅務長官的工作將與其他政府工作分而治之。