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When you think of a leader, you may think of an individual who is above all bold. But a new study of fish called sticklebacks shows that shy individuals actually prefer to follow fish that are similarly timid.

Researchers had trios of sticklebacks with known personalities play follow the leader. The fish were placed in a tank that had some plastic plants at one end and some food hidden at the other. In some of the groups, a bold fish and a shy fish acted as leaders, while another shy fish followed. And in other groups, it was a bold fish that did the following. The researchers recorded whether the follower sallied forth more frequently with the fish that was behaviorally similar or the one that was different.
研究人員設置了幾組棘魚,三條為一組,每組中分別放置一條不同個性的魚扮演領導者。他們把這些魚放到一個大池子,池子的一端放上塑膠的植物,而另一端則藏 著一些食物。在有些組中,是由大膽的魚和害羞的魚扮演領導者的角色,而害羞的魚兒相隨。而在其他的組別中,有些勇敢的魚卻充當了追隨者的角色。研究人員記 錄了追隨者是否跟隨行為相似的魚或者與自己截然相反的魚兒。

What they found is that shy fish were more likely to emerge from under cover when an equally wary fellow was already out there. Bold follower fish did not seem to care which leader they followed.

Of course, no matter which fish a stickleback chose to stick with, the bold fish did lead more expeditions over the course of the experiment than their more retiring friends. That’s because the bold fish initiated more trips, regardless of who might be tailing them. The findings are in the journal Biology Letters.

The researchers write that “when offered a choice of leaders, sticklebacks prefer to follow individuals whose personality matches their own, but bolder individuals may, nevertheless, be able to impose their leadership, even among shy followers, simply through greater effort.” We may soon see if such tendencies also hold true in humans, when Americans decide who they’ll follow in November. Unless, of course, something fishy happens.
研究人員寫道“當在選擇領導人角色時,棘魚喜歡追隨與自己個性相同的個體,但是儘管如此,勇敢的魚兒也會通過努力,在眾多害羞的魚兒中,施展自己的領導才 能。”可能不久之後,我們就會發現,這樣趨勢在人類當中也同樣適用,比如在11月份美國人民需要決定他們要追隨哪個領袖。當然,除非有見不得人的勾當發 生。

    創作者 字神帝國英語天地 的頭像


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