今日主題:Air Pollution Gives Storm Clouds a Stronger, Longer Life
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Summertime in India can be unbearably hot. "And the first thing you want, is, get me some clouds, to cool down." Sudip Chakraborty grew up there, in Kolkata. Where he developed a childhood fascination with clouds. "And in like three or four months during monsoon time, it was like, rain, rain, all rain. I like the clouds, the rain, the strength they have. Their importance. It's something like I love them, you know?"
在印度,夏季悶熱難耐。你的第一反應是想要得到幾朵烏雲降溫。Sudip Chakraborty在(印度)加爾各答長大。在這裡,他的童年時代對烏雲十分著迷。而像在季風期間的三或四個月中,雨水終日不息。我喜歡烏雲,喜歡雨 以及它們所擁有的力量。它們至關重要。就像我愛它們一樣,你了解吧?
His love of water vapor led him to study clouds, as a climate scientist at UC Davis. Clouds, he says, are built of tiny aerosol particles of dust or pollution from fossil fuel burning that suck up water vapor. "Now these cloud particles with time they combine with each other, and become big. And when they become big, due to gravity, they fall out, and we call it rain."
作為加州大學戴維斯分校的氣候科學家,他對水蒸氣的熱愛促使他研究烏雲。他表示雲是由塵埃中微小的懸浮顆粒或由化石燃料燃燒的污染物吸收水蒸氣構成。現 在,隨著時間的推移這些雲粒子彼此結合,體積變得越拉越大。當它們體積開始變大,由於重力作用,它們開始降落,我們稱之為雨。
Chakraborty studied that process in large thunderstorm systems over the tropics, using data from geostationary and circumpolar satellites. And he found that when more aerosols seed the air, like in places with lots of industrial or agricultural pollution, the same amount of water vapor gets absorbed by a larger number of aerosols… meaning tinier-than-usual cloud particle size.
That's important, because "it makes the cloud bigger and larger and stronger and live longer." Three to 24 hours longer. And "it can produce more extreme storms when the rain finally comes." The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Sudip Chakraborty et al., Relative influence of meteorological conditions and aerosols on the lifetime of mesoscale convective systems]
A silver lining: he says longer-lasting clouds also reflect more light back into space, which could end up cooling the planet—and at least tap the brakes on climate change.