
✦ 今日片語
自然界有這樣一個傳說:每當鴕鳥面對捕食者時就會把自己的頭往沙子里扎。據說它們這樣做是認為看不到危險,那麼危險就會消失。假如鴕鳥果真是這樣做的話,那麼它們將會面對更大的風險, 因為它們實際上是將自己放入了一種難以逃脫的境地。從人的角度來看“把你的頭埋在沙子裡”這個表達意味著逃避現實、逃避處理問題或困難的局面,希望困難會自動消失。不過在現實中,這樣做可能會使問題變得更糟。


✦ 例句
You can't bury your head in the sand. You have to pay that bill otherwise they'll cut off your phone.

There's no point burying your heads in the sand. Like it or not the exams are coming up so you really need to start your revision now.


✦ 請注意
片語bury the hatchet 的意思是和某人“言歸於好、忘卻宿怨,握手言和”。


✦ 例句
I think it's about time you buried the hatchet with your brother. I don't know why you fell out but you haven't spoken in years and I know he wants to get back in touch.

If you want that promotion, you're really going to have to bury the hatchet with your boss.

If I want to get on at work I'm going to have to bury the hatchet with the office manager. We had a disagreement a few weeks ago about some stationery and it got a bit out of hand.



    創作者 字神帝國英語天地 的頭像


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