今日主題:Snake Bites in Costa Rica Peak with El Niño Cycling 厄爾尼諾氣候迴圈,哥斯大黎加毒蛇咬傷事件驟增
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Parts of the planet warm and cool during El Niño and La Niña. And infectious diseases also wax and wane in step with the climate cycle. Please visit www.chinavoa.com to get more information. Take malaria—shown to spike in northern Venezuela during cool, La Niña conditions. Or flu pandemics, which often follow months after La Niña sets in. Now researchers have linked another public health risk to El Niño climate cycling: poisonous viper bites.
在厄爾尼諾和拉尼娜現象期間,地球上一部分地區冷熱交替。同時一些傳染性的疾病也跟氣候迴圈交替興衰。以瘧疾為例,在寒冷的拉尼娜現象期間,委內瑞拉北部 的瘧疾病例上升。抑或流感,通常在拉尼娜發生幾個月後出現疫情。現在研究者們已經把另外一種危害公共健康的危險因素和厄爾尼諾氣候迴圈聯繫到一起:那就是 毒蛇咬傷事件。
Their study area was Costa Rica—where health centers keep rigorous records on snakebites. They compared nine years of those snakebite records—including some 6,500 bites—to climate data over the same period. And they found that snakebites were two to three times as prevalent in the hottest and coldest years of the El Niño climate cycle.
Sounds counter intuitive—you might expect the climate extremes to have opposite effects. But the researchers say in hot, dry years, plant productivity peaks, driving an increase in the number of rodents—aka snake food, potentially increasing the number of snakes. And snakes tend to move around more in hot, dry weather—increasing chances they'll encounter—and attack—an unlucky farmer.
聽上去挺反常的——你也許會認為極端氣候條件下應該有與之相反的結果。但是研究人員稱,在炎熱乾燥的年份,植物的生長速度處於旺盛階段,使得齧齒類動物的 數量增加——而齧齒類動物又是蛇的食物,潛在的,蛇的數量也就增加了。蛇又喜歡在炎熱乾燥的天氣四處遊蕩——這就增加了撞見它們的機率——以及攻擊——倒 楣農夫的幾率。
In cold, wet years, on the other hand, prey numbers plummet—forcing snakes to travel beyond their usual slithering grounds to eat—again increasing chances of an unlucky meeting. The study is in the journal Science Advances.
The researchers also found two more variables that correlate strongly with Costa Ricans' odds of being bit: poverty and destitute housing. A reminder that, when it comes to dangers from environmental disruption, it's often the least fortunate who are at the greatest risk.