今日主題:Sahara Reveals Remains of Ancient River
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“The city of Tanis was consumed by the desert in a sandstorm which lasted a whole year. Wiped clean by the wrath of God.” Indiana Jones’s friend Marcus Brody, explaining the fictional fate of the city of Tanis in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Back in real life, scientists have found something else covered by the Sahara’s sea of sand: an ancient river system. The remains of the main channel—which dried up long ago—wind beneath the west African desert for more than 300 miles before reaching the Atlantic Ocean.
Researchers led by Charlotte Skoniezcny of the University of Lille in France uncovered the system using a kind of satellite-borne radar that can penetrate through several feet of dry surface sediments like sand. The scientists think that the network may extend even farther inland, but thick dunes prevented them from mapping it. They report their findings in the journal Nature Communications.
法國里爾大學的 Charlotte Skoniezcny領導的研究人員,通過一種可以穿透沙子乾燥的表面沉積物的衛星載運雷達,發現了這個古代的河道。科學家認為該河流可能向內陸擴展的還 要深一些,但是厚厚的積沙最終阻止了他們用衛星掃描地圖。該研究結果發表在《自然通訊》雜誌上。
The discovery solves the mystery of what created a vast underwater canyon off the coast of Mauritania in northwest Africa. The subsurface ravine looks like those that form at the mouths of massive rivers today. But researchers had only hypothesized the existence of major waterways in West Africa until now.
The fact that rivers raged at the surface in this region sheds light on the Sahara’s tumultuous history. Scientists know that this vast desert wasn’t always dry. At certain times in the past, it boasted green grasslands teeming with life. The researchers think the Sahara’s lost river last flowed 6,500 years ago, revealing just how fast west Africa’s climate can change. Maybe not quite as fast as Indiana Jones swapping out a bag of sand for a golden idol. But still, surprisingly fast. “Wiped clean.”
該地區表明曾經流淌的河流揭示了撒哈拉沙漠動盪的歷史。科學家們認為這個廣袤的沙漠以前並不是乾旱的。在古代的某個時期,撒哈拉沙漠生機勃勃,孕育了許多 生命。研究人員認為,撒哈拉所流淌的河流大概是在6500年消失,這同時也揭示了西非氣候變化之快。也許沒有印第安那瓊斯為黃金神像換出一帶沙子那樣快。 但是,仍然還是很快的。一掃而光。