1. Balance the books – Make sure all money is accounted for.
2. Bring home the bacon – Earn money to support your family.
3. Go Dutch – Split a bill equally.
4. Gravy train – A job which pays a lot of money for little effort.
5. Nest egg – Money that has been saved up.
6. Cook the books – Dishonest accounting.
7. Golden handshake – A payment made to a departing employee.
8. Cheapskate – A person who will not spend much money.
1. Ring a bell – Something that sounds familiar.
2. Like a broken record – Someone who repeats the same thing again and again.
3. Blow your own trumpet – Proudly boasting about your own talents and successes.
4. Jam session – Playing improvised music in an informal setting.
5. Call the tune – Making important decisions and controlling a situation.