
今日主題:Seaweed Bodyguards Coral against Bullying Sea Stars

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Warmer, more acidic oceans are already damaging corals in the South Pacific. But the corals also have more visible foes: such ascrown-of-thorns sea stars. "It's an underwater swarm of locusts with a stomach that can be turned wrong side out and digest you as it walks across." Mark Hay, a marine ecologist at Georgia Tech. "You just look in front of them and there's good corals, and you look behind them and there's these white skeletons."
更暖和,更酸性的海洋已經在損害南太平洋的珊瑚了。但是,珊瑚們還有更可明顯的敵人:比如說冠狀海星。這是水下的一群破壞分子,它們的胃可以向外翻出來, 然後在它經過你的時候順便也把你消化掉了。Mark Hay一位佐治亞理工大學的海洋生態學家。你就看它們的正前方,那兒有很好看的珊瑚,然後你往它們後面看,那裡就是這些白色的骨骼。

Hay says the corals in Fiji's marine protected areas are particularly vulnerable to attack. So he and his colleague Cody Clements took a closer look at the underwater ecosystem there. And they discovered something weird. Neighboring seaweeds usually compete for resources with corals to the point where they will whip corals with their fronds and poison them with toxins. But the researchers found that, in this case, the seaweeds were saving the corals, blocking the marauding sea stars. "
Hay說,這些在斐濟的被保護的海域裡面生存的珊瑚特別容易在襲擊中受傷。所以他和他的同事Cody Clements 就在水下近距離觀察那裡的生態系統。然後他們發現有些地方很奇怪。鄰近的海藻通常會和珊瑚爭奪生存資源,它們會用葉子抽打珊瑚還會用毒素攻擊它們(原來海 藻還可以被醬紫用作植物寵,攻擊力還挺一般的)。但是研究人員們發現,這種情況下,海藻是這在救珊瑚哦,阻斷那些搶吃的海星。

And so these competitors were really acting as kind of bodyguards for the corals, once things got bad." Hay and Clements replicated those observations in underwater experiments, in which even fake seaweed did the trick—suggesting that seaweed is simply passively blocking the predators. The findings appear in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
並且這些原來的敵人,一旦事情便糟糕,也確是真的可以做珊瑚的貼身保鏢呢。Hay a和 Clements在水下實驗中重複觀察到了此現象,甚至是假冒地海藻也能做到貼身保護——提示我們這些海草可能只是在被動的阻止入侵的捕食者。該研究已發 表在《皇家社會科學B研究進展》雜誌上。

The marine reserves in Fiji are relatively small. And they border lots of degraded reefs, which Hay suspects are playgrounds for baby sea stars. When the stars get older and hungrier, he says, pristine corals are right next door. "They kind of act like little piles of candy that you put out in the kindergarten. Everybody just recruits to them, and eats them quickly." The reserves don't have much seaweed, either, so the coral lack their bodyguards—except for an interested human:
斐濟的海洋保護區相對較小。而且他們毗鄰大量分解了的珊瑚,Hay懷疑這些分解的珊瑚只是小海星的娛樂場所。當海星變老變飢餓後,他說,新鮮的珊瑚就在附 近。他們的這種行為就像是你在幼兒園拿出的糖果。每個珊瑚就只是招募它們,然後迅速把它們吃掉。保護區也並沒有很多海藻,所以珊瑚缺乏保護罩,除了一些零 星出現的對它們感興趣的人類。

"In one of the villages there's a guy that's particularly supportive of the marine protected area named Aquila. And he has sort of a floating wheelbarrow, and he goes out every now and then and fills it up with crown-of-thorns starfish and he comes back and builds a fire and burns them, on the shore, to keep them from regenerating." This study suggests Aquila's system of killing the starfish to save the coral is on the right track. And Hay says his aggressive management style might be worth emulating elsewhere in Fiji: to ensure that marine protected areas still have something to protect in years to come.
在其中一個村莊裡,有個人特別支持這種名為Aquila的海洋保護區。並且他有一些浮動的手推車,他現在出去了,然後,用它裝滿冠狀海星,然後他回來點火 燒它們,就在海邊,以免它們再生。這項研究提示我們Aquila的絞殺海星系統正是在拯救珊瑚。並且他說,他的這種侵略性的處理方法也許斐濟的其他地方  也值得傚法:為了確保海洋保護區在未來的幾年裡還能有要被保護的東西存在。


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