 今日主題:The Fastball Gets Its Scientific Due in a New Documentary  科學記錄片《快球》

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The baseball season is almost here. To get you up to speed, the excellent new documentary Fastball opens today in select theaters.

Fastball is all about, you guessed it, the heater, the cheese, the hummer, the hard stuff, from the perspective of pitchers, hitters, umpires—and scientists, who talk about everything from the physics governing the trajectory of the ball to the physiology of the strain on the pitcher’s arm to the psychology of hurling a potentially deadly projectile at another human being to the neuroscience of the batter’s perception and reaction.
這部紀錄片是從投手、打擊、裁判以以及科學家的角度才談論加熱器、乳酪、快速球、速球塞內角(the heater, the cheese, the hummer, the hard stuff皆為棒球俚語,為各種速球)。科學家們談論了物理控制球運行的軌道,到投手手臂牽拉的生理學解釋,再到投擲致命球對另外一個人的心理意義,以及 擊球手的看法和反映上的神經科學意義。

At high speeds, the ball may appear to the hitter to rise. Of course, the ball is actually still going down due to gravity as it approaches the plate from any pitcher throwing overhand, no matter how fast. It’s just not falling as much as the batter’s brain is accustomed to from watching slower pitches. But I did not know tilI saw the movie that, for some hitters facing the very hardest throwers, the ball can completely disappear.
高速運動的球對擊球手來說,可能是上升的。當然,由於重力的作用,球在離開投手的手靠近球棒時,無論球的速度有多快,球的運動趨勢是下降的。只要球不落 地,擊球手的大腦的反映跟看到慢球反映是一樣的。但是在看過這部電影之後,我才知道一些打擊手在面對最頑強的投手,(揮棒時)球可能完全消失。

“The idea of the ball disappearing was really fascinating to me. Because all these hall of famers were talking, they all were saying the same thing, that these few really special guys, the Koufaxes and the Fellers, that the ball would disappear.”
球消失的說法十分吸引我。因為所有這些被談起的名人堂內的成員,他們都曾說過同樣的一件事,對這些特殊的少數人,如Koufaxes 和Fellers,他們說球會消失。

Fastball director Jonathan Hock, after a preview of the film March 22nd at the Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center on the campus of Montclair State University in New Jersey.

“And so I mentioned that to these professors of perception and cognition and all that, and they immediately understood. Because they explained that when the eye tracks an object in motion, you’re not actually on the ball the whole way. You’re actually racing your eyes ahead to where you think the ball’s going to go. And most of us can go about a tenth of a second ahead. And the people with the greatest vision in the world can go two-tenths of a second ahead. Which is exactly the distance, the amount of time that it basically takes to swing, like 0.17 [seconds] for the swing. So if you’re going two-tenths of a second ahead of where the ball is, and that’s when you’re triggering your swing, and then the ball isn’t there, it has literally disappeared in the part of your brain that registers vision. So they’re absolutely telling the truth when they say the ball disappeared.”
所以,我把上述理論講給了感知和認知學的教授,他們迅速的理解了這一理論。因為他們解釋到,眼球可以跟蹤運動的物體,但是實際上,你不可能對棒球進行全程 跟蹤。實際上,你的眼球在向你認為球要飛向的地方快速轉動。幾乎我們所有人都可以提前轉動十分之一秒。世界上實力最好的人可以達到二十分之一秒的速度。就 是這個轉動距離上的時間消耗,使我們的感知發生變化,比如0.17秒內的這種微弱的擺動。所以,如果你在二十分之一秒內擺動到了預測到的球的運動方向,而 此時就是你開始擺動的時間,然後球並沒有到達你預訂的位置,那麼球實際上就是在你大腦中預測到的定位上消失了。所以在他們說球消失的時候,並沒有騙人。

In addition to opening at theaters, the movie Fastball is also available on various streaming platforms, including iTunes. Catch it!
除了公開比賽場,電影《快球》還提供多種其它流媒體宣傳材料,比如iTunes。 那麼,接球吧!


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