
1. earthquake [ˋɝθ͵kwek] n. 地震 ( = quake = tremor = seism)
A sudden movement of the earth's crust caused by the release of stress accumulated along geologic faults or by volcanic activity called earthquake.
(earthquake / seismic / shock) wave 地震波
2. seismology [saɪzˋmɑlədʒɪ] n. 地震學
Seismology has lifted our notions about the interior of our planet from wild speculation to scientific measurement and well-reasoned inferences.
● seismologist 地震學家
3. magnitude [ˋmægnə͵tjud] n. 震級
Magnitude is used to measure the degree of the earthquake.
4. epicenter [ˋɛpɪ͵sɛntɚ] n. 震央
Epicenter is the spot just above the focus of the earthquake.
5. hypocenter [͵haɪpoˋsɛntɚ] n. 震源 ( = focus)
Hypocenter is the area or region where an earthquake is initiated.



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