

【ASTRONOMY天文學】:Jovian planets類木行星
Jovian [ˋdʒovɪən] n. 類木行星
Jovian planets are named after Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System. They are also called the gas planets because they consist mainly of hydrogen, or the giant planets because of their size. These planets usually have a complicated system of many moons and often even rings of ice and/or dust. There are four Jovian planets in the Solar System: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Jupiter [ˋdʒupətɚ] n. 木星
Jupiter is the planet that is fifth in order from the sun and is the largest in the solar system.
Saturn [ˋsætɚn] n. 土星
Saturn is the planet that is sixth in order from the sun and is surrounded by large rings.
Uranus [ˋjʊrənəs] n. 天王星
Uranus is the seventh planet in order of distance from the Sun, after Saturn and before Neptune.
Neptune [ˋnɛptjun] n. 海王星
Neptune is the eighth planet in order of distance from the Sun, the fourth largest planet in the solar system.


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