
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

1、 破題:這個題目是校園生活類的題目,學習知識與社交活動共同構成了大學生活,因此本題選擇正反兩個方面的觀點均可。

2、 Agree:如果選擇同意,那麼可以重點突出 social activities 的好處,可以達到與學習文化知識同等的重要性。

(1) 學生未來的工作中需要的不僅是知識,還有綜合能力和素質,如溝通能力;

(2) 體育可以培養學生吃苦耐勞的精神,這種精神用在學習中會對學習產生促進作用。

3、 Disagree:如果選擇不同意,那麼要注意 library 其實是 knowledge 的一種體現,學習知識始終是教育的核心,


(1) 學生參加社團活動是有好處的,但是社團活動的開銷可以由學生通過其他途徑獲得,如尋求贊助;

(2) 修建圖書館可以提高一個學校的學習氛圍。



開頭段:(Background information)Universities: Prepare for the future → comprehensive ability; However, academic knowledge: heart of education

讓步段:The benefits of social activities & sports: collaboration skills; communication skills

觀點 1:It is students, rather than schools, who could and should raise most funds for their sports or social activities. +比較


觀點 2:With more financial support, the quality of instruction could be guaranteed. +因果論證:為什麼教育品質可以得



Sample Answer:
Nowadays one rarely attains colleges or universities merely for educational purpose. Students expect to have exciting experience outside the lecture hall and libraries: clubs, internships, or various forms of sports. The importance of these activities has been highlighted, even drawn to the same level as that of study itself. Consequently, some student unions contend that sports and social activities should receive equal financial support as classes and libraries. However, I disagree with such radical notion.

Admittedly, the role of educational institutions has changed dramatically. Back in the nineteenth century, colleges and universities generally operated for pure educational purposes. These days, however, in response to the developments of the society, the functions of colleges have been diversified: expanding students’ social network, adjusting them to the ever-changing world, and teaching academic knowledge. We expected graduates to be well-prepared, not only academically, but socially. Skills for collaboration and communication are as critical as knowledge of physics, algorithm, chemistry, etc. Meanwhile, one can learn the first from sports and social activities on campus. Consequently, these activities do equal classes in essentiality.

However, this is not the end of the story. They may receive funds and supports, but not as much as those for classes and libraries. It is students, rather than schools, who could and should raise most funds for their sports or social activities, which cultivate students’ sense of independence and social skills, while, from my own perspective, the most useful amid is the skill to persuade others to do us a favor, in most cases, provide financial support. Raising fund is a fantastic opportunity to learn or polish such skill, which will be handy after those very students graduate and start to run funds for their own projects or campaigns. As a consequence, limited support from school is exactly the momentum for students to improve themselves.

Furthermore, classes and libraries needs more support than sports and social activities do. While students are able to tackle their own difficulties, classes and libraries are not. One cannot expect the professors and faculties to scrimp their supple for the family and use their wages and premiums to purchase new facilities for laboratories while still teaching lessons of good quality; one cannot expect the lecturers to act as lobbyists to obtain financial support for their classes; one cannot expect, either, the fate of a new library, which would satisfy the need of more than three thousand students, to be totally held in the fist of some tight-fist entrepreneurs, who may require the logo of their companies being carved on the libraries. For the sake of education, the support for classes and libraries is ineligible.

To sum up, sports and social activities may as crucial as classes and libraries, but they are not supposed to receive equal

financial support.


2012/04/22 It is more important for universities to spend money for universities to spend money in improving facilities than in hiring famous teachers.

2012/09/07 NA Schools should give more money to students’ social activities or to improve their dining.

2013/10/27 Student activities do as much benefit as academic study.

難度值: Level 3(由易到難 Level1-Level5)



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