





因:because because of for as since in that on account of with


果:so so that therefore thereby as a result hence thus coequently accordingly






A 導致(-)cause reason lead to give rise to result in render make let ask push stimulate ark ur fuel produce be reoible for


如:The increased presures of expanding population have led to the removal of woody plants so that many cities and tow are surrounded by large areas completely lacking in trees.


在這段話中,有lead to,表示了導致的意思,即結果;so that 更進一步表示了後面的結果,所以可以充分判定這段話有因果關係的邏輯。


B 由……而來(-)result from derive from originate from initiate from stem from be reoive to be attributable to


如:“The extreme serioue of desertification results from the vast areas of land and tremendous numbers of people affected as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the proce.


在這段話中,根據result from可以推斷出有因果關係,那如果是解釋句子題時,選項中有因果關係就可以優先考慮。


C 反映,體現(-)reflect present demotrate suggest imply show This result demotrates that&helli


D 考慮到:given coidering in view of thanks to according to He succeeded thanks to (in view of) his effort.


E 依賴於:rely on depend on resort to He resorted to books when he had problems.


F 條件關係:when once as soon as as long as As soon as he got the money he would leave the country at once.


G 分詞短語,不定式做狀語:Failing in the final exam she cried.






A 對比:while whereas on the other hand


在解釋句子題、插入句子題中,一旦出現對比關係,學生在掌握的基礎上就能非常快速的判定句間和句內的關係。While whereas 前後連接的是平行結構,on the other hand前必定有on one hand,可以用來把握句間關係。


B 轉折:but although deite in ite of neverthele however







A 同級比較 ahellias


B 比較級:more&hellithan -er than lehellithan


C 變化:change alter vary modify revise increase decrease enhance diminish develop progre advance improve retreat degenerate continue remain


D 差異:different distinguish separate same similar comparable compare&hellito E 超越:surpa exceed excel over F 最高級 1)本身有最高級含義:maximum minimum peak outstanding top 2) 本身程度比較深:amazing surprising astonishing prohibitively high 3) 否定+比較=最高級 No one is more outstanding than him.







顯性否定:no not never nor none neither 隱形否定:fail to refuse remove mi reject aence of lack of 否定首碼:a- ab- dis- il- im- in- non- un- 否定首碼是詞彙題中經常出的一個考點,把握否定首碼可以説明考生把握一些生詞,依靠否定首碼對選項進行一個排除。


雙重否定:not fail to not illegal not uncommon not unavailable 雙重否定是英文中經常運用的表達方式,由於在平時中文對話中用的很少,隨意對雙重否定的把握就顯得特別的重要。

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