
 今日主題:Mark Carney-- I mean what I say (馬克•卡尼--“言出必行”)


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Mark Carney-- I mean what I say

The new governor is struggling to convince sceptical markets.

CREDIBILITY is treasured by central bankers. It is after all why politicians, who patently lack that precious quality, have entrusted the monetary guardians with the job of taming inflation. But what happens when investors do not believe a supposedly binding central-bank commitment to keep interest rates low?

The answer this week from Mark Carney, the Canadian governor of the Bank of England, was to set out again the case for the forward guidance which had failed to convince the markets when he first delivered it earlier this month. Speaking in Nottingham on August 28th he also announced a relaxation in banks' liquidity requirements to encourage lending. But Mr Carney's speech seemed unlikely to sway the sceptics. They doubt that the bank's base rate, which has been at a three-century low of 0.5% for over four years, will stay there for another three.
而這位加拿大籍英國銀行行長馬克•卡尼于本周作出相關回應,即再次利用他於本月前幾日提出的相關明細著手處理該事——儘管卡尼先生首次提出該提議時在說服 相關市場方面收效甚微。他於8月28日在諾丁漢的演說中宣稱,將放寬銀行的貨幣流通需求以此來刺激借貸,但該演說似乎並未打消投資方的疑慮,他們不斷質疑 銀行的基本利率在四年之內一直保持三百年來的最低態勢——0.5%仍將持續至下一個三年。

Mr Carney's task is tricky because the bank's forward guidance is about as clear as an insurance policy once the small print has been read. The crucial pledge is that the bank's monetary-policy committee (MPC) will not think about raising interest rates until the unemployment rate, currently 7.8%, falls to 7%. Since the bank's own forecast shows this will take until well into 2016, the MPC is in effect promising to sit on its hands for another three years. But that seemingly straightforward commitment comes with “knockout” clauses. If inflation becomes a threat or financial stability is being endangered, forward guidance will no longer apply.
鑒於英國銀行之前的明細規定,與用極難閱讀的小字印刷的保險理賠條款一般“清晰明確”,卡尼先生的該項策略實屬明智之舉,最為關鍵的是,英國銀行下屬的貨 幣政策委員會(monetary-policy committee—MPC)在國家失業率由目前的7.8%下降至7%之前,將不會再提高利率,而由於銀行預測顯示該形式預計在2016年才會有所好轉, 若貨幣政策委員會(MPC)履行承諾,那麼他們將會在接下來的三年內不再插手該事,然而委員會卻道貌岸然地提出了所謂“淘汰”條款,即當通貨膨脹構成威脅 或國家經濟穩定形勢岌岌可危時,之前的規定將不再作數。

Mr Carney did not rely solely on argument. The Canadian said that if market expectations of higher interest rates tightened credit conditions and the recovery seemed to be falling short of the strong growth needed the MPC would “consider carefully whether and how best to stimulate the recovery further.” But that veiled threat seems unlikely to put the frighteners on the markets.
卡尼先生並不是單純地以爭論取勝。這位加拿大人表示,如果市場對於利率上升的預期致使信貸條件緊縮,並且經濟復蘇勢頭落於民眾日益增長的需求之後,那麼貨 幣政策委員會(MPC)將會“認真考慮計畫如何進一步刺激經濟復蘇。”但這包含威脅的潛臺詞似乎並未對經濟市場產生任何影響。

Mr Carney is fortunate in taking over as governor as the economy makes an unexpectedly robust recovery after a prolonged period in the dumps. But his good luck is also snagging his pet policy. For if so much can change in a matter of months, guidance stretching out for three years is bound to be questioned.


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