Normally, the pineal gland governs a person's sleep-wake cycle by secreting melatonin in response to the daily cycle of light and darkness as detected by the eye. Nonetheless, many people who are totally blind due to lesions in the visual cortex of the brain easily maintain a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle. So the neural pathway by which the pineal gland receives information from the eye probably does not pass through the visual cortex.

For purposes of evaluating the argument it would be useful to establish which of the following?

A Whether melatonin supplements help people who have difficulty maintaining a 24-hour sleep cycle to establish such a pattern
B Whether the melatonin levels of most totally blind people who successfully maintain a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle change in response to changes in exposure to light and darkness
C Whether melatonin is the only substance secreted by the pineal gland
D Whether most people who do not have a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle nevertheless have a cycle of consistent duration
E Whether there are any people with normal vision whose melatonin levels respond abnormally to periods of light and darkness



pineal gland 管理人的喚醒週期,方法是分泌 melatonin 來對從眼睛eye獲得的資訊做出反應。
然而許多完全失明的人(因visual cortex損害)卻能維持著一個24小時的喚醒週期。
所以pineal gland 獲取眼睛eye提供的資訊通道中,可能沒有經過visual cortex。

隱含假設:缺少z的A 也是用方法X 完成a (而不是其他方法,因此用方法X,就會出現m隨明暗而變化)

A 問melatonin supplements 幫助有視力障礙的人保持這樣一個習慣,這選項是無關的melatonin supplements,別看和原文好像有見過,但是和原文所提內容是兩回事,是出題者故意使用的障眼法。
B 當這些盲人在光線變化時是否還能保持這有光因為原文就是想在無關的情況下盲人依然能保持,而這選項說的是在關係變化的情況下,有關的答案我們先放著,如果下面選項還有相關的,我們就再比較,如果沒有那就是這選項。
C 說M是不是分泌這的唯一物質?這也是無關的,原文沒想討論哪個器官分泌的問題。
D 說沒有這睡覺習慣的人是否有習慣持續的問題,這也是無關的,主體和原文無關內容也無關。
E 正常視力的人對待光線會不會不正常?這選項就算有關也沒B好,因為B所說的主體和原文所說更直接相關,而且這也不能給原文任何評價。


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