
✿ 今日主題:Deep Voice Gives Politicians Electoral Boost

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What makes a successful politician?Experience? Skill? Charisma? Perhaps you were searching for these traits while watching the recent Republican presidential debate. But what you might not have thought about was how your perception of the candidates could be influenced by their voices.

In two recently published studies, researchers looked at how the pitch of a candidate's voice affected their chances in an election. The first study found that in the 2012 U.S. House elections candidates with lower voices were more likely than a higherpitched opponent to win. With one exception: when running against a female opponent, candidates with higher voices were more popular, especially if they were men. That study is in the journal Political Psychology .Please visit www.chinavoa.com to get more information.
在最近發表的兩項研究中,研究人員調查了候選者聲音的高低是如何影響他們自己在選舉中的機會。第一項研究表明,在2012年白宮的選舉當中,與音高較高的 候選人相比,音高較低的候選人獲勝的幾率比較大。但是有一例外,當競爭對少是女性的時候,候選者的聲音較高則更受歡迎,這是點尤其對男性候選者適用。該項 研究結果發表在《政治心理學》雜誌上。

In the second study, researchers wanted to know why a deep voice was a potent political tool. They recorded men and women speaking the sentence 「I urge you to vote for me this November.」 They then altered the recordings to create higher and lower pitched versions of each sentence.

More than 800 volunteers listened to the audio. Their preference for lower-pitched voices correlated with their preconception that these individuals were older, stronger and more competent. This study is in the journal PLoS ONE .
有800多名的志願者聽了這個音頻。這些志願者們更喜歡音高較低的候選者,這與他們自己對這些人的的認知,如,年齡更長,身體更強壯、更有能力是有關係的。該研究成果發表在《PLoS ONE》雜誌上。

The researchers note that a preference for leaders with deeper voices may be the result of so-called 「cavemen instincts.」 A deep voice is associated with high testosterone, physical strength and aggression. And way back when, those qualities were probably attractive in a leader. High-pitched voices also are thought to convey negative emotions, such as stress and fear.

We like to think that we consider our electoral options carefully, and base our decisions on conscious, rational judgments. But it may be a candidate's height, attractiveness or voice that play outsized roles when we go to the polls.


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