馬雲 (Jack Ma) 從一位平凡的英文老師到成為中國最有影響力的人之一,他的英文能力與大方的態度也吸引了全世界媒體的關注。2014年「克林頓全球倡議」 (Clinton Global Initiative, CGI) 在紐約主辦的論壇「重視價值」(“Valuing What Matters”),他分享了人生經驗與累積的歷練,結合理性與感性,以智慧與視野瞭望世界與未來。《時代雜誌》整理了他所分享的 5 大重點,讓每個人都有機會從馬雲的人生課程中,看到自己無限的未來!
📌1. Think ahead 未雨綢繆
👉Successful entrepreneurs never foresee the future. Nevertheless, they plan ahead, and wait for their patience, diligence, and dedication to unfold.
📌2. Money isn’t happiness – it’s responsibility. 金錢不是幸福,這是責任。
👉College students must learn to be on time, complete homework assignments without parents and teachers’ constant guidance, thus taking accountability into their own hands.
📌3. Expect the unexpected. 期待意外驚喜。
--世事多變,馬雲最愛的電影角色一直都是 Tom Hanks 在《阿甘正傳》中扮演的 Forrest Gump,電影中誠懇憨厚的主角也常常講「人生是一盒巧克力,從來不知道會得到什麼」 (Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to get.)。
👉Forrest Gump is the beloved American character who never knew what life had in stored for him. Nevertheless, he always accepted changes, and handled challenges with the best of his abilities.
📌4. You don’t need connections to achieve success. 你不需依靠拉攏關係來成功。
--馬雲出生在 60 年代、還沒有開發的中國,父母沒有金錢與權力來幫助他,而他也沒有依賴關係來造就自己的今天。支持他的就是顧客;相對而言,他也不斷運用科技與努力來回饋每一位信任他的消費者。
👉People from conservative societies have always relied on nepotism to get ahead in their careers, marry well, or make friends. However, Jack Ma proves that an independent person can excel beyond everyone’s expectations.
📌5. To change the world, invest in youth. 投資在年輕人,改變世界。
--雖然已擁有幾百年都花不完的財富,中國首富依然關心他的出發點。他相信如果想要改變世界,一定要幫助無名小卒,因為一旦成功的種子在意識中被種下,每一個與他當初一樣的 nobody 都有無限的潛力!
👉Research shows that when a person does not have to worry about all the basic necessities of life, being able to give back, and contribute to the world can bring him great happiness.

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