托福閱讀難題解說同學在作題時,有時會遇到難題。康康老師把解說的題目匯整至這個檔,也方便之後同學來參考。而同學提問與康康回答,老師之後也會加入黃金閱讀的詳解新版,讓它更完善哦。同學提問時,記得寫清楚第幾套的第幾篇,標題也要標上哦。問題也盡量清楚明確哦,不然寫:老師有第二題有問題… 這樣整個問題太大,很難精確回答大家哦!
Cave Art in Europe (4-2) 第七題
同學:答案是D,為什麼B不對呢?想請教您一篇閱讀:本來是選D~但看到中間的but和段末的內容, 就改成B了...Q_QQ7:scholars explained chips in the painted figures of animals by proposing thatB. the paintings were inspired by the need to increase the supply of animals for huntingD. Upper Paleolithic people used the paintings to increase their luck at hunting(原文:Another explanation for the focus on animals might be that these peoplesought to improve their luck at hunting........But if improving theirhunting luck was the chief motivation for the paintings, it is difficult to explain why only a fewshow signs of having been speared. Perhaps the paintings were inspired by the need toincrease the supply of animals. )
康康:這題出的很過份,它問的是scholars 而非作者…所以文中所說:學者的答案是D, 而轉折後是作者所認為也就是B選項,所以要選D哦!
Cave Art in Europe (4-2) 最後一題 summary 題
同學:答案是ACF,其中E為什麼不能選呢?! 我覺得在第四段有明顯提到還有F選項,最後的one of which has been thought to provide evidence of complex thought. 感覺就蠻 細節的,為什麼還是選了?!?
康康:F 沒錯,不會很細。第四段的主題句是:The particular symbolic significance of the cave paintings in southwestern France is more explicitly revealed。 所以E 選項太細了。 第四段最重要的是說。當人們需要動物當食物就會畫動物。當人們開始不需要動物當主食時就不會畫動物。所以 cave paintings 有 symbolic significance。 可以讓人們了解當時的生活證明。就像中文的『私』字。 古時的『私』沒有禾字旁,表示STRING 作的TRAP。套中動物就是你私有的。 到了文明時期,開始種RICE,才加了禾字旁。 這不就是與上面所說的是一樣的故事。
● William Smith (TPO06-2)
同學:原文關鍵段落:Particularly in the younger strata, the rocks were often so similar that he had trouble distinguishing the strata.Q8. According to paragraph 4, it was difficult for Smith to distinguish rock strata becauseA 選項: the rocks from different strata closely resembled each otherC 選項: their similarity to each other made it difficult for him to distinguish one rock type from anotherA與C看起來相當接近為什麼選A不選C?請老師解惑,謝謝!
康康: C 選項,their 是指原題的strata。這樣就變成…不同地層的相似。但原文是說不同rocks 的相似。 記得,要注意選項的代名詞一定是指原題的某個字哦!
● Reflection in Teaching (09-2)
同學:麻煩老師解答一下了第12題插入句答案是插入在C 我找不太到對應的關鍵字指出為什麼是要插在C 呢?? 我覺得A也很合理因為第四段第一句先說 reflection 很重要然後插入說 但是reflection 很難成功然後下一句又說 為什麼很難成功
康康:選c 有兩個理由,第一點:記得插入句中有 however 是訊息字,轉折後的內容,是之前會提到的,所以however 後提到reflection,就在C的前面,這樣最優。考試看第一點就夠了,如果要驗證,可以在看。第二點:unless後接的訊息,應該是下句要承接的內容。unless後接 teaching environment,然後接原文的 teaching situatioin 的內容,也很優。
● Chinese Pottery(10-1)第14題
同學:F選項,不能選的原因,我的解讀是因為只有在最後一段才提到imperial factories,而且在此段所敘述的物體是pots,而選項是用ceramics,所以not given,因此不能選,這樣的解釋合適嗎?
康康:ceramics 包含pots,所以沒錯。 我覺得是錯在第六段並無明確地說官窯的pots才用在宗教與民間。Ceramics made in imperial factories were used in both religious and non-religious contexts.
● Variation in the Climate(10-2)第八題
同學:選項B,老師選項B為甚麼是錯的?我認為change in the land surface有包含movement of landmass
康康:大陸移動movement of landmass,與 陸上表面的改變change in the land surface,不一樣概念。 所以b 是沒說到的。
● Ancient Egyptian Sculpture (11-1) 第10題
同學:According to paragraph 3, which of the following statements about wooden statues istrue? ● Wooden statues had a different effect on the viewer than stone statues.答案是D但我總覺得D選項在原文中是在講mental statues 因為他前幾句是有提到mental statues ,然後後面才直接接了The effect is altogether lighter and freer than that achievedin stone這句真的很謝謝老師 ~
康康:從原文中的by contrast,開始,wooden & metal 是與stone 相對比。所以the arms這句是指wooden & metal 的,the effect 也是。所以題目只說wooden 與 stone 不同,也沒錯的。
● Orientation and Navigation 11-2 第六題
同學:答案為什麼是C,而不是A內文第三段第四行說 In the proper migratory direction except when the sky was overcast, at which times there was no clear direction to their restless movements. 事實上,他們有在適當的遷徙方向,除了天空佈滿雲彩的時候,因為這個時候往往使得他們的騷動不安的活動沒有了清楚地方向指向。 是我會錯他的意思嗎??
康康:它是危險的陷阱題。這句考驗的就是英文理解能力。 原文是說:when overcast → no clear direction 是沒有清楚方向,而這鳥可能早就restless。 所以正解是c 定位在第三段第一句。
● Which Hand Did They Use? 12-1 第12題
同學:答案為什麼是D,而不是A?請問一下老師為什麼不能選A1.題目一直重複 Brain2. 又若題目選項一個term is importance的話,原文什麼樣的指標或是暗示會讓我知道 這個term是重要的 謝謝老師的解答~12. What is the author's primary purpose in paragraph 7?○To illustrate the importance of studying the brain○To demonstrate that human beings are the only mammal to desire fine control of movement○To contrast the functions of the two hemispheres of the brain○To demonstrate that right-hand preference has existed for a long time
康康:這題的確是要很小心。記得PRIMARY PURPOSE與WHY一樣,要問句與句,或段與段關係。不能只看這段,要選這段與本文主軸相關的答案。選項A:只說到BRAIN,但與本文主軸:右手無關→所以不選。選項D:是本文主軸:為何古人多是用右手,透過腦的研究,來說明用右手很久了。只是透過腦的研究,沒寫出來。
● Biological Clocks (13-2) 第13題
同學:插入句題答案是B但我覺得插在A好像也很順耶...因為插入句中,1.有these external cues 正好對應到文中第一句的 like sunrise 2.而且A後面的such an external cue.....又剛好可以對應到插入句後半部的the external clock appears to dominate 的external cue 所以我覺得A好像很合理不知道為什麼不能放A....謝謝老師了!!!!!!!!!!!!!感謝老師
康康:這題插入句的 the internal signals & these external cues 都是依上句(第一格)而來。這題的破題關鍵更重要的是:插入句的 align themselves with。 這句講完後,下句才接 this synchronization。
Development of the Periodic Table TPO16-1 第六題推論題
同學:請問要如何推出 ○the atomic number of tellurium is smaller than that of iodine6. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that tellurium comes before iodine in the periodic table even though tellurium's atomic mass is slightly greater because○the atomic number of tellurium is smaller than that of iodine
康康:In fact, subsequent work has shown that in a periodic table, elements should not be ordered strictly by atomic mass. 由這句所知:原素不應按原子量來小至大排。 For example, tellurium comes before iodine in the periodic table, even though its atomic mass is slightly greater. 這句知道碲在碘前,但它的原子量卻比較大。 We now know that atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus), not atomic mass number (the number of protons and neutrons), determines chemical behavior. 這句知應按原子序(小至大)來排加上上句知道碲在碘前→推出:the atomic number of tellurium is smaller than that of iodine
● The Roman Army's Impact on Britain (TPO19-1) 第八題
同學:According to paragraph 3, how did the soldiers meet their needs for goods and services?為什麼是D而不是B?原文都沒提到D選項的artisans and traders而且原文提到people drawn from far afield很像B選項的traveling trades people
康康:原文BD都有說到,但以原文的BUT 為作者的真正看法要選D。而且 B 有個MOST,也是不夠好的點。而你問沒提到D選項的artisans and traders。其實仔細從BUT 之後看到段尾全是在講這個新興的經濟,所以是有提到的哦。記得句與句要有關連。所以段尾的artisans and traders 與上兩句是相關的 。
● (TPO20-1) 第二題
康康:(A) 講的不完整population 沒指明是西遷的百姓。那就是所有人,就不對了。(C) range 範圍:1/7 → 1/3 。speed 速度:1810 → 1840 只花三十年。所以對!!
● (22-3) 第十四題
同學:1. B選項中後半段提到 that remained much hotter than the rest,我找不到對應的段落,還是說文章中沒有提到 2. E選項從第五段怎麼看出來的?另外E的選項意思為 matrix consists graines of nebular dust原文的意思好似剛好相反
康康:本篇第十四題算是難題A:是background(X)。B:為第三段作者最終研究發現的結論,所以要選(O)。康老師解題分析:研究發現常在段尾或段中,不在段首,所以是總結題的難點。that remained much hotter than the rest, 這句是從原文第三段:Chondrules must have been melted in small pockets of the nebula that were able to lose heat rapidly.推論出來的。C:第三段中間細節與B相比, C是chondrules的定義,為細節非研究發現重點(X)。D:第四段重點,但原文後半HOWEVER的重點與D相反(X)。E:第五段重點:第五段新訊息為MATRIX。段尾轉折後,出現作者對MATRIX最終的看法:However, detailed studies of the chondrite matrix suggest that much of it, too, has been formed by condensation or melting in the nebula。所以E對。F:第六段重點。所以答案 BEF。
● TPO23-2 的第9題
同學:這題為何不能選A?不是 因為 有43 windmills 才能 快速發展嗎?
康康:43 數量是變多,不等於 機器本身有變更powerful哦。原文:Forty-three windmills powered the drainage pumps so that they were able to lease the reclamation to farmers選項A.. Windmills became powerful enough to run drainage pumps efficiently.
Moving into Pueblos(24-3)第六題
同學:我覺得答案B選項(.....was the cause of the move to Pueblos)在本文第三段沒提到,為何正確的?我反而覺得D選項比較接近替換句子的意思,不知我哪裡推論錯誤。
康康:第六題 原文是指: 有這些農業建設証據→推有多的糧食需求→再推 人口多。 而人口多 就是第三段的主論點。所以答案B 很好。 而D 有問題,因為農業建設証據 不是 獨立証據 就能推 人口多。 它是CORRESPONDING 相呼應的 而非獨立的哦
● TPO25-2
同學:想請教TPO25-2的highlight題(8),如下我會一直選到A or C可否請老師幫我解解,問題到底出現在哪邊,感謝!
康康:TPO25-2 A: shipbuilders lacked the skills 這是NG。無法RECOVER 有很多原因,不一定是lacked the skills。TPO25-2 C:前半句(因) showing 後半句(果)。這是自創因果的錯。並無這樣的因果關係,並非lost ships 才顯示出 no reliability。原句:lost ships 16C 只是時間背景,並非因。
● TPO 26-2 第九題
同學:Escape involves such actions as aestivation, a condition of prolonged dormancy, or torpor, during which animals reduce their metabolic rate and body temperature during the hot season or during very dry spells. 他的參考答案給A,不過我想很久 還是不理解C錯在哪裡? 況且且他解釋說包含關係,從這句可以直接認為hottest and driest 是對的嗎? 謝謝老師的解答:)
康康:選項C:錯在sometimes。原文雖有時間:during the hot season or during very dry spells,但不等同於sometimes哦。
● TPO 31-1 第五題
同學詢問:這兩天做了TPO31的READING, 第一篇好像蠻難的,做完有點挫折,想請問老師第五題為什麼是B?謝謝!
康康:題目定位在:For example, 後,而前一句就是它的理由。(In addition, barriers can rapidly arise and shut off the trickle.)所以選B 最好。allopatry can sometimes arise in a short time選項A 最要小心,看似ok,但非定位句真正的原因。而且原句的目的不在於強調分開大多…most species。就像我上課時的小心程度形容詞。
● TPO31-3 Savanna Formation 第八題
同學:同義句改寫題原文:Frequent fire is a factor to which rain forest species seem unable to adapt, although ancient charcoal remains from Amazon forest soils dating prior to the arrival of humans suggest that moist forests also occasionally burn. 答案是:Rain forests species appear unable to adapt to frequent fires, but evidence from the past suggests that rain forests sometimes do burn.我想問的是答案是but但對應到文章是although 所以不太能理解就卡住了麻煩老師幫我解惑
康康:這題答案D的讓步,轉折相反了。 不過其它答案都不完整。只能不好中,選個稍好一點的。畢竟D選項是最完整的。
● TPO 32-1 第6題
同學:老師我遇到跟對岸同胞一模一樣的問題做題時就覺得A 跟 D 都是對的但我選了D 因為我覺得他是best解釋最清楚題目在問是什麼原因讓種子被動物傳播而不是風感覺應該是 short-live -> large seed -> animalB感覺比較像是結果不是原因>
康康:選項A:Large seeds are easier for birds and animals to see 大就更容易看到 (原文沒說看不看到的,不能選,記得推論題要從原文有的字,來推) 選項D:Large seeds are short-lived 就比小種子更需要好方法來散播 (不對啊,小種子也短命) 選項B:原文用暗示的方式說風不總是個好方法,下句立馬講大種子dispersed to suitable sites by birds or small mammals,那風為何不是好方法,原文並無直接明說,但就需要與有講到的大種子來合推 → Large seeds are too heavy for the wind to disperse. 所以選項B對。
同學:為什麼TPO33-2 第二題答案是D呢?文章內容不是只有提到他們開始用購買的方式購買那些產品,而在過去他們是自己製作謝謝老師!!!我寫B....
康康:原文:With their profits they purchased manufactured goods 。所以選D是沒問題的: Demand for manufactured goods increased among farmers.至於B錯的原因:原文說的是Tennessee 的農夫,而B是指全部的農夫這樣就擴大語義了哦。
● TPO33-2 第五題
康康:答案是D。網上大陸版本B是錯的哦。 [Railroads and Connection Agriculture in Nineteenth-Century United States](Q5) According to paragraph 3, what was a disadvantage of shipping goods from northwestern areas to New Orleans?
TPO33-2 第九題
康康:答案是D。網上大陸版本A是錯的哦。 [Railroads and Connection Agriculture in Nineteenth-Century United States](Q9) Why does author point out that “Indian grass, Canada wild rye, and native big bluestem all grew higher than a person”?
TPO33-2 第12題
同學:答案是C, 但為何不能選BRailroads and Commercial Agriculture in Nineteenth-Century United States12. According to paragraph 8, prairie farmers changed the landscape by doing all of the following EXCEPT:○Reducing annual fires○Dividing the land into large, regularly-shaped lots○Planting trees that eventually formed woodlots○Fencing off their farms
康康:原文:In the absence of these fires, trees reappeared on land not in cultivation and, if undisturbed, eventually formed woodlots.原文有說到formed woodlots,但沒說到是farmers planting trees → formed woodlots 所以C要選。 原文: independent farms, each fenced off in a precise checkerboard pattern + whose large, uniform layout 能推出選項B:Dividing the land into large, regularly-shaped lots。所以B不能選
TPO33-3 Extinction Episodes of the Past第六題
康康:原文這句“even endotherms can be affected by a significant change in the climate”:即使溫血動物都會受到氣侯改變影響,並不直接就能推出選項(A):that endothermic dinosaurs became extinct。 而且這句真正的目的,在於說明上半句:氣侯改變影響(造成減絕)not really challenged(負負得正) →能被恐龍是溫血動物的觀點來支持,所以要選(D) To defend climate change as possible explanation for the extinction of dinosaurs
● TPO34 reading 第一篇第14題
同學詢問:老師好,能不能請教TPO34 reading 第一篇第14題(六選三)?第14題的答案ACE我沒問題,有問題的是 F 選項我不確定 F 選項不能選的原因。是不是文中沒說:round styles of handwriting 取代了 copying the manuscripts of the Koran
康康:F選項在第一段。雖然是major detail。但選項a 更好,是 main idea。所以F只能割愛了哦。
● TPO34-2 Protection of Plants by Insects第四題
同學:為什麼答案不是B呢 According to paragraph 3, what was the position of the opponents of the “protectionist” hypothesis?
康康:反對“protectionist 的立場:應該覺得是 ants對植物沒有幫助。B是大大幫助,所以不能選哦。 TPO34-2 Protection of Plants by Insects第五題答案應為(B) doubtful
TPO40-1:Ancient Athens 第8題
康康:解同義句改寫題時要特別注意選項的主動詞, 常常主詞常常接的動作在原文中沒有出現 A. recognized & finally drove the tyrants out 都不是Cleisthenes作的。 C. By driving out the tyrants , Cleisthenes 不對,自創因果。 D. Cleisthenes saw that it was time to change不對,原句沒說。 正解就是B
TPO40-1:Ancient Athens 第10題
康康:10. According to paragraph 4, one role of the new council was to A. determine what issues came before the assembly B. prepare the agenda for the courts 正解就是A哦。 這題關鍵句就是這句: council, which prepared the agenda for the meetings of the assembly, and the courts, 好多同學看太快,以為prepared the agenda for也有給courts 就選了B,就錯了。

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