
Section 1的考古學講座。



在Aurignacian時期,人類行為和技術都迸發出很強的創造力。其中一個特點就是出現了形象藝術(representational art),比如人形的小雕塑。

但是幾年前,一些考古學家在俄羅斯的Kostenki (在東歐平原的中部地區)發現了明顯屬於Aurignacian時期的手工藝品。而且這些工藝品都被埋在比之前發掘的古蹟更深的地方,說明它們的年代更久 遠。如果這一結論成立的話,就意味著人類在定居在南歐和西歐之前已經先定居在東歐,那麼講座開篇考古學家支持的觀點就不再正確。

因此,測定這些手工藝品的年代變得尤為重要。因為放射性碳年代測定法(radiocarbon dating)無法測量40000年以前的東西,所以考古學家用了另一種方法——在40000年以前,發生過一次巨大的火山噴發,火山灰龍站了整個中歐和 東歐。而在Kostenki 發現的手工藝品在這層火山灰之下, 說明它們的年代早於這一次火山噴發。因此它們的年代早於在南歐和西歐發現的遺蹟。

最後,教授提出了一個疑問。在當時的Kostenki ,氣候比南歐和西歐都要寒冷。雖然在遺蹟中發現的針說明早期人類可以通過穿獸皮來保暖,但是值得思考的是他們為什麼會從溫暖的非洲遷移到氣候寒冷的地區。

1.What does the professor mainly discuss?
Evidence for the early migration of humans onto the central East European Plain.
2.Why does the professor mention an ivory carving of a human head found at the Kostenki site?
To reinforce the idea that the artifacts found at Kostenki were Aurignacian.
3.What point does the professor make about radiocarbon dating?
It is not a dependable tool for dating artifacts over a certain age.
4.How were archaeologists able to determine the minimum age of the Kostenki artifacts?
From their location relative to a layer of ash.
5.Why does the professor mention the discovery of needles at Kostenki?
To indicate that the Kostenki settlers were equipped to survive in a cold climate.
6.What is the professor's opinion about early human migration to Europe?
Humans first settled in a surprising location.


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