


今天給各位講解一篇A卷中的藝術講座,這篇講的是一位美國雕塑藝術家George Segal。大概瞭解一下背景,17歲時,他參加庫珀藝術與建築聯校繪畫班,23歲進入普拉特設計學院,兩年後獲得紐約大學藝術教育學士學位。1956 年,Segal被介紹到漢莎畫廊,第二年,Allan Kaprow選中Segal的農場作為他早期偶發藝術的場景。幾年之後,漢莎畫廊關閉,他們又一起進入魯本畫廊。1958年,Segal將自家雞舍改建成 雕塑工作室,著手嘗試各種雕塑的表達方式。20世紀60年代初期,Segal以其獨特的畫風步入美國畫壇,開始成為藝術家。1958年以後,徹底拋下畫 布,走向了雕刻之路。

1. What is the lecture mainly about?
解答:George Segal's particular approach to sculpture
2. According to the professor, how did Segal create a context for his plaster sculptures of humans?
解答:By placing real-life objects next to the human sculptures
3. Why does the professor mention the faces of the sculptures?
解答:To help explain why the sculptures have an anonymous quality
4. What is the professor's attitude toward museum exhibits of Segal's artwork?
解答:He is disappointed that museums do not allow viewers to interact with Segal's sculptures in the way Segal intended.
5. Why does the professor mention Segal's piece The Costume Party?
解答:To explain why Segal avoid a realistic use of color in his sculptures
6. According to the professor, what is notable about Segal's later work from the 1970s?
解答:He made art pieces that contained more human figures than his earlier work contained.

cast: v. 鑄造                               plaster: v.涂以石灰                   bandage: n. 繃帶                                 wrap: v. 包,裹,覆蓋

manipulate: v. 操作                     replica: n. 複製品                     suggestive: adj. 提示性的,暗示的          invoke: v. 喚起

sidewalk: n. 人行道                      pedestrian: n. 行人                  irony: n. 反諷                                      acquaintance: n. 熟人

slump: v. 猛然癱坐,使倒下            trademark: n. 商標,特點          all the rage: 風靡一時,時尚                  mandate: n. 命令,要求,授權


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