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 今日主題:全球浪費:Global waste: food for thought  全球浪費:引人深思


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Chewable coffee cubes offer a new way to kickstart your day
San Francisco entrepreneurs Geoffrey Woo and Michael Brandt have come up with a revolutionary way for coffee lovers to get their early morning caffeine fix – chewable caffeine cubes. Each 35-calorie bite-sized ‘Go Cube’ is the equivalent of drinking roughly half a cup of coffee. So if you’re running late with no time to brew a fresh cuppa joe, just pop two cubes and you’re good to go.
 Go Cubes are 100 percent vegan, made of a special blend of compounds that improve memory and alertness. With a texture similar to gum drops, each cube contains 50 mg of caffeine, 10 mg of Vitamin B6, and 100 mg of L-Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea. B6 helps aid cognitive function, while theanine helps reduce the anxiety associated with a pure caffeine buzz. They also contain about six grams of sugar per cube, and come in three different flavors – pure drip, latte, and mocha.
 Brandt and Woo used crowdfunding to raise nearly $40,000, and are now all set to release Go Cubes internationally – priced at $20.70 for six packs of four. That works out to about $1.73 per cup of coffee, which is cheaper than what you get at most coffee shops.
 According to their Indiegogo page, “The amount, concentration, and ratio of each compound in Go Cubes were significantly drawn from double-blind, peer-reviewed journal studies that statistically demonstrate the compound’s efficacy and safety.” They have used a theanine-caffeine ratio of 2:1, which “significantly improves the cognitive performance and alertness, beyond just each compound standalone.”
 “Our goal with Go Cubes is to combine what people love about coffee to make a cognitive-enhancing product that’s delicious, shareable, convenient, and affordable,” they revealed. “We take pride in quality products and a brand that is both smart and down-to-earth.”
 As fantastic as this sounds, you can’t really shake off the feeling that Go Cubes is just a fun way of marketing brain-enhancing drugs. But that’s the perception Brandt and Woo are trying hard to fight. They want to make nootropics – chemical supplements that make people smarter and more alert – user-friendly, so that’s why they’ve chosen to package them as candy instead of pills.
 But they are quick to add that Go Cubes are not a substitute for hard work, and should be used only to enhance potential and get into a productive state of mind. “In principle, I can reach that state on my own,” Brandt said. “When I first started using nootropics, what I thought was really cool is that they can help me reliably get into that state. I can take full advantage of that time every time.”


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Nine in ten bosses vet applicants on Facebook
Nine out of ten employers admit they always check social media before hiring applicants, it has been revealed.
 Ninety-three percent use Facebook and Twitter ‘to keep tabs’ on potential candidates and to vet them pre-interview.
 But over half (55 percent) of recruiters have reconsidered appointing someone based on their social profile – with 61 percent of these U-turns due to ‘negative’ reasons.
 This includes spotting use of profanities, spelling and grammar mistakes, illegal drug references, sexual posts and mention of alcohol use.
 The findings were revealed by recruiting software company, Jobvite, which surveyed 1,855 human resources managers in industries including engineering, IT, marketing and sales.
 It comes as a separate survey of 2,000 14 to 25-year-olds by Barclay’s LifeSkills found that one in five (22 percent) admit to posting pictures from nights out.
 One in ten – 11 percent – regularly share photographs of themselves drinking.
 This is despite the fact that 77 percent of young people are aware that potential employers are checking social media profiles before hiring.
 A quarter (24 percent) still have no privacy settings in place and a further one in ten (11 percent) are unsure if they are protected or not.
 LifeSkills was created by Barclays to help young people get the skills they need to enter the world of work.
 Kirstie Mackey, head of LifeSkills, said: ‘Employers are increasingly using social media to find out more about prospective candidates prior to meeting and making their hiring decisions.
 ‘In a competitive job market, it’s important to present yourself in the best possible way – both on and offline.
 ‘You need to be shouting about positive experiences to boost your employability such as pinning top tweets demonstrating your achievements of which you are proud.’
 She added that young people need to ‘spring clean’ their social media profiles.
 ‘It’s important to remember that what you do and say online could be seen by anyone and will be there forever,’ she said.
 ‘Decide which social networking sites you want to keep away from work and use privacy setting to ensure your New Year’s Eve party pictures don’t spoil your chances with potential employers.
 ‘Make sure you also remove/delete any social media profiles no longer in use. Just because you’re not updating your old Bebo and Myspace accounts doesn’t mean they no longer exist.’
keep tabs on: 監視,密切注意
vet: 審查
profanity: 褻瀆;不敬的言語
spring clean: 大掃除


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 1、old hen 老婆子
俗語,男性用語,專用於中年以上的女性。除開玩笑的場合外,女性不太歡迎這一稱謂。因為“old hen”的字面意思是“老母雞”。這一表達的來源是:從男人們的眼光來看,母雞來回亂跑,湊在一起唧唧喳喳,或者互相對啄。Three old hens from the neighbored were standing on the corner gossiping.(有三個鄰居老婆子站在街角上說長道短。)
說到hen還要提到與hen相關的表達:hen-pecked怕老婆的,本義是“被母雞啄的”。意思是“像軟弱的公雞經常被強壯的母雞啄傷。男子懾於女性的淫威,表現得服服貼貼”。這個表達出自1690年德萊頓的喜劇《安菲特律翁》和1712發行的雜誌《旁觀者》。理解了上面的意思,那麼hen party就不難理解為“女人的聚會”。後引申為凡是只有女人參加的社交性聚會都叫hen party。與它相對的是stag party雄鹿會,只有男子參加的聚會。
 2、spring chicken 少女
原意“童子雞,不超過10個月的肉嫩的筍雞”。這一表達來源已久:在古時候由於孵化技術上的原因,不到春天就很難得到這樣的雞,後轉義為“少女”。Mrs. Gray may not be a granny, but she's certainly no spring chicken.(格雷夫人也許還不算老太太,但是她的年紀肯定不小啦。)
有時可直接用chick表示“小女孩兒”。That chick's a real tiger. She scratched my face when I talked back.(那小娘兒們可真是個母老虎。當我還嘴時,她竟然抓破了我的臉。)
 3、the little woman 老婆,太太
請注意不要漏掉定冠詞the。I promised the little woman to be home early tonight.(我答應我老婆今天晚上早回家。)偶爾也表示“你太太”。How's the little woman?(你太太好嗎?)
對太太的稱呼還有Missus,帶有戲謔的說法。I'm fine, but the missus has been a little under the weather recently.(我身體很好,但是我老婆最近有點不舒服。)有時用於對方或協力廠商的妻子。Hello, Jim. How's the missus these days?(吉姆,你好。你太太最近好嗎?)
對妻子的稱呼另有one's better half。這一表達是以基督教的男女結婚合成一體的教義為基礎的。I promised to take my better half shopping this afternoon.(我答應我妻子今天下午帶她去買東西。)
 4、one's ball and chain 老婆
本義是“帶有重鐵球的腳鐐”。過去犯人在戶外勞動時,為防止他們逃跑而帶上這種刑具。把丈夫像犯人似地束縛起來,轉用於玩笑中指“老婆”。Yes, I'm going to the party tonight, but I'll have to drag along my ball and chain.(是呀,我要參加今天的社交晚會,但是我必須帶著我家的母老虎。)Lady of the house也指“老婆,屋裡頭的”。
 5、one's old lady 老娘,某人的母親
此處的old並不表示“老,年紀大”,與an old lady“老太太”不同。Her old lady is very young.(她老娘很年輕。)這樣的說法很自然。但有時可能有人不喜歡,所以使用時要注意場合。在談到自己的母親時,可以加定冠詞,作the old lady。The old lady has gone to bed.(俺娘已經睡下了。)
那fat lady指的什麼呢?先看例句:The opera is not over until the fat lady sings.(關鍵人物出面問題才會解決。)原來fat lady是在歌劇中演壓軸戲的女主角,俗稱“大姐大”。說到one's old lady,順便提及one's old man老爸,老頭。His old man is thirty.他老頭30歲了。在指“家父”時,加定冠詞,作the old man。I'll have to ask the old man.(我得去問問我爸爸。)
 6、doll 美人
本義“洋娃娃”。在男性使用的場合僅指“美人”,並無頭腦簡單的意思。Get a load of that doll over there. I wonder what her name is.(你瞧瞧那邊的那位美人喲!)不知道她叫什麼名字。女性把doll翻版用作對男性的稱呼,表示“有魅力的英俊男子”。Isn't the captain of the baseball team a doll?(棒球隊長是不是很帥?)有時doll表示“可愛的姑娘”。My brother's new girlfriend is a doll.(我弟弟新近交的女朋友是個挺可愛的姑娘。)
 7、skirt 青年女子
這一表達來源於女性穿的裙子,與中國舊時用“裙釵”表女子是一樣的構思。這一說法僅限於男子對女性的稱呼,因為女性並不喜歡這一稱呼。There are a lot of good-looking skirts among the freshmen this year.(在今年新入學的大學一年級學生中,有很多好看的姑娘。)
 8、clinging vine 會撒嬌的女子;依賴男子的女人
像繞在樹上的爬藤一樣總挎著男人胳膊的女人。Every time we invite Bill to dinner, he shows up with one of his clinging vines.(我們每次請比爾吃飯的時候,他總是帶著一位貼在身上撒嬌的女人。)這一習語多用於未婚的女性。
在用於已婚女性時,意思是“不能獨立,依賴男人生活的女人”。Why don't you do something by yourself for a change? When I married you I didn't realize you were such a clinging vine.(你為什麼不改變一下,自己做點什麼事情呢?我跟你結婚時,我不知道你是這樣一個沒有獨立能力的女人。)
 9、a plain Jane 不起眼的女人
這裡的plain是“不惹人注目的,樸素的”,而Jane是一般女人名,plain與Jane合轍押韻。I wonder why a handsome man like Jeff married such a plain Jane.(我很奇怪像傑夫這樣出色的男子怎麼會與一個不怎麼起眼的姑娘結婚。)
10、jailbait 禍水妞兒
一般指11-15歲有姿色的少女。jail是“監獄”,bait是“誘餌”,押母韻,合起來就是“使人進監獄的誘餌”。認為美色誘發犯罪顯然是想推脫關係,對女性極不公平。She's a beautiful girl—but beware, she's jailbait.(她是個漂亮姑娘,但是要當心,可是個禍水妞兒啊。)


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